Manual for yaesu other ft857d hf transceiver free download. This unit includes a preset and no manual operation is allowed, so its necessary. This is a very simple arduino library intended to make it possible to easily control yaesus g5500. Page 1 basic manual dual band transceiver id5100a id5100e the photo shows the id5100e version. Vx 5500 operating manual page 1 vx 5500 operating manual the vx 5500 series are fullfeatured fm transceivers designed for flexible mobile and base station business communications in the vhf 5010 watts. Please read this manual carefully before installing the rotators. Ive written four long illustrated pdf files for setting up the ic9700 and the ic7300 and had over 250 requests world wide. All the manuals in this dvd pc and mac are in pdf files adobe reader xi or in tif files, 5500 files. The gs232b also includes a db9 male connector for connection to your computer through the rs232c port. You will see all the files as you open it in your pc or mac computer. Yaesu g5500 azimuthelevation rotator systems are specially designed to accommodate horizontal crossbooms to mount pairs of vhf and uhf directional antennas for space communications.
The yaesu g5500 azel rotator is a popular rotor for use with ham satellites. Rotor control box can be modified to operate on 220240 vac. The cut, copy, paste and insert features of the programmer make channel management easier than ever. Kfactors for yaesu rotators in footpounds g2800dxa. Included are two sets of rotator plugs to make up your own rotator controller cables. Complete azel rotation system if youre just starting out in satellite operation, the g5500 provides a complete azimuthelevation rotation system thats ideal for most all amateur applications. Click here to download the corrected user manual for the g5500 rotator.
Ham radio deluxe software radio amateurs best asset. This device complies with part 15 of the fcc rules. One lower mast bracket is included with this rotor combination. Yaesu rotators indispensable for making difficult contacts possible. Yaesu rotator computer controllers gs232b free shipping. Works with windows 7 32 and 64 bit, windows 8 and 8. Set up your rotor as detailed in the instruction manual so that at maximum. That really isnt clear in the advertisement articles. Satellite tracker interface american radio relay league. The repeater builders technical information page is an informational help site by kevin custer w3kkc. Rotor repair hints and links received from the amsatbb group. In most cases, the modified controller retains its original manual control features. Before xsatcom can be started, there must be four files with valid. Yaesu g5500 azimuthelevation rotator systems g5500.
This is an arduinobased rotator interface that interfaces a computer to a rotator or rotator controller, emulating the yaesu gs232ab and easycom protocols which are supported by a myriad of logging, contest, and control programs. Yaesus azimuthelevation combination rotator for satellite antennas with wind loads up to 10 square feet. Providing simultaneous control of 450 degrees of azimuth rotation and 180 degrees of elevation rotation, they are perfect for eme moon bounce and satellite communications installations. From the vfo mode, press and hold in the key for one second, and while still holding in the key, rotate the dial knob to select the bandwidth for the vfo scan ner. Download free pdf for yaesu g5500 rotator other manual. The programmer allows you to create and save as many files as you want for your radio. Arduinobased interface providing easycomm command control of yaesu g5500 azel rotor controller. Manual for yaesu other g5500 rotator free download. The two factorylubricated rotator units are housed in weatherproof melamine resin coated diecast. Pstrotator antenna rotator software application for. Files are decompressed supported zip and rar multipart archives text is extracted from adobe acrobat pdf or plain text documents so that you are able to perform searches inside the files.
Download free pdf for yaesu ft857d hf transceiver other. If you have any information that is not on the list please consider emailing this to me to add to the list for everyone to use. Integrated software for logging, rig control, digital modes, satellite. Each model is designed for reliable business communications in a wide.
Box 75525, 1118 zn schiphol, the netherlands yaesu uk ltd. The blueparrott updater is a free software program enabling your headset firmware to be updated with the latest functionality. The yaesu gs232b grants digital control of almost all yaesu antenna rotators and comes equipped with its own pic18c452 microprocessor and a 10but analogtodigital converter. The ft991a is the next generation in all mode, all band mfhfvhfuhf transceiver with c4fm system fusion digital capability. Current list of vertexstandard radio programming files available for download in the members area. Satellite operations at arrl headquarters, newington, ct usa.
Managing all the options of this great little radio becomes easy with the programmer. Named after the wellknown ft101, a corner stone in the history of hf transceivers, create the future of hf communications with the birth of the ftdx101. It requires 5 digital pins 4 for motor control and 1 for an activity led and 2 analog pins. Yaesu ft3900 ft 3900 ft3900 user and service manual. G650c g 5500 g550 1 m2 100 3,000kgcm 600kgcm 100kg. Use the standard arduino process for installing and using this library. The yaesu g 5500 parts can sometimes be retrofitted, with a bit of work, ask yaesu usa service rotator repair techs for details. Since then many alternative, more costefficient alternatives have appeared on the home brew market. I also have a yaesu g5500 controller used for azimuth and. The g5500 features an interface jack for computer control and a full azimuthelevation rotation system with a rotation range of 180 degrees from the elevation rotator and a turning range of 450 degrees from the azimuth rotator. Kindly do not embed graphics or photos in your manuscript. The following computation example uses the data gathered with the prototype satellite tracker interface. The low cost is achieved without any dodgy ebay lcd displays or jumble of parts and wires plugged into a protoboard. Arduino library for interfacing with the yaesu g 5500 controller for elaz antenna positioners.
This is the largest repeater information site in the world. If you want to see manuals from other manufactories you can click on the manufactory menu in the left side. The rotators may be mounted together on a mast, or independently with the azimuth rotator inside a tower and the elevation rotator on the must. The fm bird contacts were made by using the participants personal hts for uplink and the vr5000 for down link. Satellite antenna system with tonna antennas and yaesu rotator g5500.
Yaesu g5500 g 5500 g5500 pdf user manual for yaesu g5500 g 5500 g5500. Amsatna reserves the right to select material for the amsat journal based on suitability of content and space considerations. Simply install the blueparrott updater on your computer. Upon disassembly found the local salt spray and rain had intruded into the rotor assembly. Programming software for yaesu ft3900 ft 3900 ft3900. Current stock status at these ham radio outlet locations. The yaesu g5500 is ideal for space communication antennas as well as many other amateur applications. Yaesu sep kit g5500 separation kit for g5400 g5500 azimuth elevation rotators.
Home amateur radio yaesu g5500 elevation rotor g5500 rotor elevation rotor repair after only three years being outside, but rarely used, my g5500 elevation rotor did not rotate any more. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Chirp free radio programming software chirp is constantly being updated and improved to work on more and more radio models, but often has major or minor issues when attempting to program baofeng hts, depending on the radio firmware version, and the baofengs firmware cannot be updated. The fm bird contacts were made by using the participants. Ham radio deluxe software the radio amateurs best asset. Pstrotator is a windows program used to control antenna rotators also called rotors in azimuth and elevation or just azimuth figure 1. Some japanese oem part subcontractors for the kenpro yaesu rotators were located in the villages of japan northern prefectures that were damaged, destroyed, or evacuated due to the march 11, 2011. Operation is subject to the following two conditions. Tennozu parkside building 258 higashishinagawa, shinagawaku, tokyo 1400002 japan yaesu usa 6125 phyllis drive, cypress, ca. Yaesu rotators that support this computer interface are models g2800dxadxc, g0dxadxc, g800dxa and g5500 rotators. The 5500 is about the only game in town if you need an azel rotor for satellite work. There were many lessons learned during the last and pilot ti2 space and adjustments in the focus and curriculum resulted for this years effort. Jul 04, 2015 download k3ng arduino rotator controller for free. Yaesu rotator instruction manual of g5500 double rotator.
This is the full text index of all service manuals, schematics, datasheets and repair information documents. This is a very simple arduino library intended to make it possible to easily control yaesu s g 5500 controller and the elaz positioner that it connects to. The yaesu g5500dc provide 450 azimuth and 180 elevation control of medium and largesize unidirectional satellite antenna arrays under remote control from the station operating position. Four momentary switches control the g 5500 azimuthelevation rotor system. View and download yaesu g5500 instruction manual online. Broke my g5400b az rotor, will g5500 az rotor be compatible. Interface for yaesu g5400 and g5600 antennarotators. All the files are listed by models, so very easy to find the critical information. Introducing the all new quantum gx6000 commerical grade fixed mount vhf with nmea2000 and integrated ais receiver.
To retrieve your new key, visit the following website to check for your replacement key. The g 5500 rotor system has variable resistors connected to the azimuth and elevation rotors that are turned along with the antenna. Interface for yaesu g5400 and g5600 antennarotators i started to deal with earthmoonearth communications in the middle of 2005. Loud, fullsounding audio audio companding ensures fullsounding audio for narrow band channel applications. Introduction this article describes the pstrotator application software pstr. You can also click here to see all the manufactories that mods. Tennozu parkside building 258 higashishinagawa, shinagawaku, tokyo 1400002 japan yaesu usa 6125 phyllis drive, cypress, ca 90630, u. Can anyone help me return the favor by helping me through this problem. Arduinobased amateur radio antenna rotator controller. No matter what type of antenna or antenna system you need, youll find it at dx engineering. Admsm320007 software software program memories and other setting of both the yaesu ftm3200 and ftm3207 radios. Tripleband heavy duty submersible transceiver vx8r yaesu. If you elect to separate the elevation portion from the azimuth portion of this package an additional lower mast bracket gc038 will be required. It allows the rotator to be interfaced to ham radio deluxe or other programs that support the yaesu rotator command set.
Introduction to amateur radio satellites fvarc presentation 91511 tracking hardware antenna azel rotators m. W1aw satellite array with antennas for 144, 430, 1200 and 2400 mhz. Please click here to view the g5500 wiring diagram. The yaesu g5500 parts can sometimes be retrofitted, with a bit of work, ask yaesu usa service rotator repair techs for details. W9ke satellite tracker g5500 project home rotor microcontroller motor controller yaesu g5500 software virtual g5500 ipoint. I can not for the life of me configure my yaesu gs232b computer controller with the yaesu g5500 with the satpc32 software. Arduino library for interfacing with the yaesu g5500 controller for elaz antenna positioners. I use nova for windows for my satellite tracking program into the 5500s control box. The current release version of ham radio deluxe is v6. Jan 21, 2010 yaesu data management unit dmu2000, and utilize its powerful audio scope, oscilloscope, spectrum scope, logging, and rotator control capabilities using your own personally selected and purchased computer display monitor. The vx5500 also has an internal emergency microphone that can transmit should the regular microphone become damaged or unusable.
This is a list of radio manuals and assorted instructions that can be downloaded for free here. It seemed to be an obvious solution to improve the boom length of the. The yaesu g5500 provide 450 azimuth and 180 elevation control of medium and largesize unidirectional satellite antenna arrays under remote control from the station operating position. Some japanese oem part subcontractors for the kenproyaesu rotators were located in the villages of japan northern prefectures that were damaged, destroyed, or evacuated due to the march 11, 2011.
Download yaesu rotator g5500 docs ham radio, amateur radio, two way radio, cb radio, walkie talkie service manuals and reapir information. Pstrotator antenna rotator software application for radio astronomy whitham d. Choose from a wide range of antenna types, including singleband, dualband, multiband, vertical, trap vertical, wire, yagi, vhfuhf and hfvhf mobile, and more. The ft991a includes multimode operation on cw, am, fm, ssb, and digital modes packet, psk31, rtty and c4fm, with 100 watts of hf50mhz capability 50 watts. Modifying the vx4000, vx5500, and vx6000 vco for 6 meter operation 160 kb pdf by warren dyckman k2wd this is a companion to the above articles that details the vco access part of the conversion.
Yaesu rotator computer controllers are interface devices that link your yaesu rotator controller to your computer via rs232 com connection. So a new project was born, fixing my elevation rotor. Files can even be shared between users via email or the internet. A variation on method 2 is to use just part of the yaesu controller system eg the output of the direction indication. This is an arduino based rotator interface that emulates the yaesu gs232a or gs232b interface, and the easycom protocol. The cabling was still ok, and the rotor motor tried to rotate, but no rotation happened. This program does not perform management of any memory that is present in the hardware of the supported. Yaesu g5500 azimuthelevation rotator, wired for 117 or. These units include the interface cables for the connections to the rotator controller and a pc serial port. This particular project is designed to interface the yaesu g5500 rotor system to an. It is two independent conventional motor driven rotors one for azimuth and one for elevation. The vx5500 also has 5w highpowered audio output for crisp audio that helps you hear in noisy environments. Here are some pictures from the repair of the g5500 azel rotor which had been installed for 2.
You will need to complete a simple registration before being able to access the files. It is the cleanest solution and still enables use of the switches on the yaesu controller if you wish. This is a very simple arduino library intended to make it possible to easily control yaesus g5500 controller and the elaz positioner that it connects to. Release the key to begin scanning toward a higher frequency.
Yaesu ft 991a service manuals and schematics fulltext search. If youre just starting out in satellite operation, the g5500 provides a complete azimuthelevation rotation system thats ideal for most all amateur applications. Yaesu ft3900 ft 3900 ft3900 programming interface schematics for yaesu. The satnogs project has an arduino shield that, when combined with k3ng arduino code, can act as a yaesu g5500 controller for little cost. This article was extracted from the peekskillcortlandt amateur radio assn, inc, newsletter pcara update volume 17, issue 2, february 2016. You should not need to go through these steps to calibrate your. It works with satpc32 and may work with other tracking programs that use the yaesu gs232 commands.
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